Coexisting with nonhumans
Do robots replace interhuman relations or is social innovation with robots possible? What does it mean to be human? What are robotic superpowers and what is meant by techno-animism?
Judith Dörrenbächer was invited to talk about the coexistence of social robots and humans at HSLU Hochschule Luzern. Thus, she took the chance to discuss methods and findings of our BMBF-funded robotic research project GINA and our resulting compilation »Meaningful Futures with Robots«.
Together with Prof. Dr. Orlando Budelacci, who held a talk about ethics and AI, we had a vivid panel discussion afterwards. The event was part of the inspiring lecture series »Radikale Koexistenz – Menschliches und Nicht-Menschliches in Design und Kunst«.
Judith Dörrenbächer